A Ringsfield Balloon





9 km gentle walk from Ringsfield Hall. It took us 2h 10m, but it should be quicker than that. Its a balloon because the start is the same as the finish (ie the string of the balloon). There's a pub en route.

Track info

2d length: 8.94km
3d length: 8.95km
Total speed: 4kmh
Moving speed: 4kmh
Total time: 02:20:56
Max speed: 5.26kmh
Time stopped: 00:16:14
Time moving: 02:04:42
Start time: 2017-09-23 13:21:47
End time: 2017-09-23 15:42:43
Uphill: 65m
Downhill: 58m
Max elevation: 32m
Min elevation: 0m